Thrilling Shows That Are Fun For The Whole Family!
Amusement Park Stunt Shows
Looking for a one of a kind, high-energy show that will leave your visitors in awe? Book a stunt performance with the best in extreme pogo entertainment, the Xpogo Stunt Team. We’ve performed at many amusement parks across the US, including Cedar Point and Kentucky Kingdom! Our talented stunt team, featuring Guinness World Record-holding athletes, performs flips and tricks 10 feet in the air. We're sure to draw a crowd and keep them entertained with a thrilling show full of stunts and jumps that compete with even the scariest of rollercoasters.

Having over 13,000 performances across the globe, the professional pogo stunt team featuring Guinness World Record holding Athletes definitely knows how to keep a crowd hyped with their incredible flips and tricks!